Friday, January 7, 2011

Well my trip back home was nothing as dramatic and exciting as my trip to Kuwait. I did not get rerouted to some exotic country this time around hahahah.

I haven't blogged at all in Kuwait, so I have some catching up to do... The best thing about this break was that I had some of my extended family from my mother's side visit from overseas. My uncle and his wife visited from Russia, my auntie and her husband visited from Dubai, and my cousin and his girlfriend also came from Dubai. Pam was also there!! :) So it was quite a packed house, but it was so much fun! Plus, my mom's side of the family are the best - they are all so funny and educated! The big event that we had planned for this big reunion was a New Years Eve party at our place.

As usual, it started it off as a family gathering and then my mom kept adding people to the guest-list, thus resulting in a guest-list of 100 people! I really enjoyed the party, met a lot of great people and also good to spend time and enjoy it with my friends and family! Although we had a DJ at the party, he was pretty crappy... most arrogant DJ you will ever come across. He doesn't have the common sense to switch up the music when the dance floor is pretty much empty! HELLOOOOOOOOOOO MR. DJ, WOULDN'T IT MAKE SENSE TO CHANGE THE MUSIC AND TO TRY AND GET THE CROWD UP AND GOING???? The sad part of it was that he didn't even do a New Years countdown... my brother took over the mic and did one! Oh well, we still managed to dance to some of the tragic tracks. Gotta make the best out of the worst sometimes lol

The biggest surprise of the party was the graduation cake that my mother and father had planned for me (you can see a photo of it above - the idea was put together by my creative mother!). My dad gave a mini-speech before the cake was brought out, which was cute hahahaha hahaha speaking of my dad I can't help but laugh when I look at the construction truck on that cake. There is an inside joke going on between him and my uncle from Russia. We always give my uncle a hard time about his food, because we are generally worried about his health. After the party he claimed that he didn't eat anything except for the truck on the cake. The truck is actually plastic, and was the only uneatable thing on the cake. So this "truck" has become a joke. When we went out to have dinner at a Lebanese restaurant, my father told the waiter to go up to my uncle and tell him that they have a "special dish of the day" and when my uncle asked what it was the waiter said, "trucks" - hhah I am only documenting this so that I will not forget it in the future!

For the New Years, I have decided that my resolution be to have a wide knowledge of Geography and have a better understanding of the cultures of the world! I usually don't like to meet someone and not end up knowing anything about their culture, or even where on the atlas is their country placed. I have a general understanding, but I want to delve deeper. So if anyone wants to join me on this journey, then let us begin!

I have decided that every week, I will test myself on the general placement of countries in the world. However, every 3-4 days I will pick one country and do more in-depth research about it. I will post my research and findings on my blog, separate to my "ramblings".

Sadly everything has an ending..... I had to leave my family and come back to NY to continue my acting education. For some reason, it was really painful for me to say goodbye to my father this time. I know I am going to be seeing my mother here next month, because she is coming for some business deals, so saying goodbye was much easier. I will really miss my uncle from Russia as well, we barely get to see him - but he has such a big heart and a great sense of humor.

Alas, I am back in NY and it is snowing today- perfect day to stay in and catch up on some movies and reading. I am SUPER excited about meeting Kevin Spacey at my school next week, I better prepare myself on everything Kevin Spacey!

It was wonderful to see all my friends at school yesterday... they are amazing! Peace for now my dear bloggers! Please leave me any feedback you may have, I always appreciate reading them!

To see some photos of New Years please go to:

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