Thursday, December 2, 2010

Ok, ok ok... I don't want to be negative.. really I don't!! But it's just been a long day, and I didn't get much of a chance to sleep the night before. Furthermore, it doesn't help that I'm having these painful feelings in my stomach.. like there's an invisible baby kicking in there or something.. but it sucks.. i've had to take meds for my stomach the past 2 days. But I woke up this morning not wanting to focus on the negative - and actually going to class and seeing all my wonderful classmates really brightens up the mood. But maybe I'm just getting a little bit used to this "routine" we are in, and I have a part of me that is YELLING and ITCHING for something new.. especially when we do some of the same exercises in some of our classes.. I just want to rip my skin off, somehow step out of my body, and then probably come back in hahahah

Nah ok I will talk some sense now. It didn't help that there were too many bimbos to deal with this morning in Performance Analysis Class. Some people are better off just not speaking.. it really is sad to see that there are people out there who think a certain way.. it just amazes me. It's quite comically tragic actually.

The rest of my day went fine but by 5 PM my internal system started to shut down, and my brain slowly deteriorated. I don't even know what the teacher in my Shakespeare class talked about half the time - Mind you, he is an amazing teacher.. but I could process up to 20% of what was being said - that's how brain dead and off this planet I was lol

After 8 PM I had to go for a shooting. Don't get me wrong, everyone involved in the shooting process is nice but I just HATE, HATE, HATE being rushed through something. I don't feel I had the energy to give this performance my all. But I tried, and that's all one can ask for, no? Furthermore, my brain-shut-down did not help me in remembering some of my lines. I was literally having a BRAIN FART. Stuff happens though, and I must accept it and move on.

I have 2 more shootings tmorrow, and a long paper to start writing. I guess life faces us with challenges.. and I shouldn't be complaining about my life... so I'm just gonna let this day go by and start out fresh in the morning with a brand new attitude!



Anonymous said...

Wow, someone's after my Bitching Queen throne! YOU AIN'T HAVIN' IT!!! xD

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